
Sunday, February 14, 2010


wait the minute!
It's not about something had broken,
It's not about broken heart too..
It's just that I don't have money.huhu...I'm broke!
This week I've decided to go shopping for my sis & mum's present for their birthday.
I don't have lots of money,so bli je brg murah,jnji ikhlas.haha...(ah,kau diam!kutuk aku le tu!)
Hm,act I don't really know what should I buy for my mum.last year I bought her a scarf.
On 2008, I also bought her a scarf.On 2007 err....a scarf too?(damn it.I'm the most useless daughter in the world!)haha...bia la.yg pnting aku ksi jgk gift.(don't try this at home,kids)
Hm,lemme think.I think I should buy her a blouse.I know she will love it but according to my "budget", it seem like I don't have enough money.huhu....What should I do? Ask some money from my dad?naah..Rob a bank?mwahaha..!good idea  XD
Ah,ape susa round je kt dlm alamanda yg kecik tu.msti jmpe pnye brg yg sesuai.hohoho...
But what's important now I want to get ready to attack alamanda.bye..!

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