Right now I'm all alone. There's nobody at home. My parents are out to the hospital. *They're fine. They only go for a regular check up. I'm still in bed when my mom came into my room and woke me up. She said I'm leaving but be careful and immediately call us if I heard someone knocking the door. I was like um,okay.. *almost dozed off but then my mom said last week there's several crime cases at the opposite block *for those who don't know : I live in an apartment where they saw some guys holding lots of keys and broke into people's house and steal things. After hearing those words I'm already wide awake and I was like "You gotta be kidding me." Suddenly I realized, "Hell yeah, how come someone can knock my door since the distance between the grille and the door is quite apart unless he has a super long hand OR he got the keys." As I'm getting freaked out and puzzled "where the hell did they got those keys?" , she also told me that they are able hypnotized people so that we'll do whatever they want us to do including showing them where we hide all our precious things.I'm worried and pissed at the same time. Why? Those damn thieves had scared the shit out of me and now I can't sleep anymore. At this moment whenever I hear weird sounds, I'll automatically turn into ninja mode. *watcha..!
I think most of us realized that the world isn't safe anymore. You'll face dangerous no matter when and where. Whether you're outside or in your home. For instance, Malaysia used to be one of the safest country but now ever since numerous foreigners started to came here, Malaysia is not a safe country anymore. I know they came here to work but not all of them are here to work. Most of them end up being criminals by robbing,raping,mugging and lots more. Plus, they also bring in dangerous diseases to Malaysia. To be honest I really hate them especially those who came from Indonesia. They're so rude and don't know how to be thankful. We've given them the opportunity to live and earn money here but yet they attacked our embassy in Indonesia. I don't get it why Malaysia still wants to connect with them. We should just ignore them.*hell yeah! Its their loss. I mean look at their country. Lots of homeless and poor people. *I didn't mean to brag or whatsoever but I want them to realized and get back down to earth again We've helped them a lot during the tsunami and Merapi Mt. disaster but yet they accused us being a thief and stole their stupid culture. Fuck You! We don't give a shit about your Tarian Pendet whatsoever. Ambik la wei! Aku tak kisah pown pasal budaya korg tuu... In fact, if they're bright enough they'll know that Malaysia has nothing to do with this argument. Its all Discovery Channel's fault. *don't sue me.ngee~ :B They're the one who claimed that the stupid tarian pendet is from Malaysia. We're innocent.*Yes,we are! I guess they're not bright enough to understand English that they accused Malaysia instead of accusing Discovery Channel. The same situation goes with Suzuki Tournament. They just can't accept the fact that Malaysia's footballer is so much better than theirs that they accused us cheated with lasers. Hello? *stop calling,stop calling i don't wanna talk anymore.lalala.. You did exactly the same thing to our goalkeeper *Khairul Fahmi.You're the best! okay. Its fair and square lah.. Again, Fuck You! *Urm,okay.I think I'm off topic already but yeah I really really HATE them.*are you with me?If not,then go to hell! Um, okay now I'm going to share with you some tips on ways to avoid being robbed. I hope it'll benefits you :)
1. Don't go out for walks alone. If you need fresh air and it's late have someone accompany you.
2. Make sure that someone knows where are headed and how late you expect to be out.
3. Stay away from dark, isolated places.
4. Walk under lights. Steer clear of dark places like unlit doorways, alleys, and bushes that make good hiding places for robbers.
5. Hold your head and shoulders high. A confident person makes a bad choice for a victim.
6. Be alert to the things going on around you.
7. If you see something suspicious, report it.
8. Leave the fancy jewelry and wad of cash at home or the bank. Don't carry it around with you.
9. If a robber tries to take your stuff, let him have it. Your life is more important.
10. If you are confronted by a robber try to remember distinguishing characteristics. That way you can give the police a more accurate description.
11. Scream if you can. Experts say that shouting "Fire!" is more like to get a response than shouting "Help!"
12. If you need to withdraw money from an ATM, use one located inside a bank. Stay away from the stand-alone ATMs located outside.
13. Take your money from the ATM and put it away. Counting it while you walk away is just asking for trouble.
14. Even if you access and ATM from your vehicle, you need to be alert. Check your surroundings.
Ps : Don't trust anybody but yourself.